So sorry I haven't blogged in FOREVER.... It's been over a month now, but to be fair, life has been prettttty busy. Now I need to catch you up on everything that has been happening! This will take a few posts, so bear with me, and feel free to take your time reading it all. :)
To start off, since this was a recent and very important event, I thought I would touch on it first... My dad had a heart attack two days ago. My mom woke me up at 3:30 Tuesday morning saying she had called the ambulance, and while she stood at the door looking for it, I sat with my father while he struggled to breathe and move due to his immense chest pains. I was in pure shock, too tired to comprehend what was actually happening and unable to grasp the significance of it. The paramedics eventually wheeled him out on a stretcher (talk about a sobering sight), and mom and I followed them to the hospital, where we were to stay for the next five hours.
At first, the doctors said dad didn't actually have a heart attack but rather was on his way to one, then later they changed their minds and confirmed that it was, in fact, a heart attack. As it turns out, he had almost complete blockage in three vessels leading to a main artery to his heart, so he had to have stints put in to open them up. He started feeling a lot better after that surgery, but the recovery process has been and will continue to be long and slow. Thankfully, though, he got to the ER just in time, and by some miracle I can't explain or understand, he has no damage whatsoever to his heart. Praise God! He's home now and on a very healthy diet (to his displeasure) as well as some meds to monitor his cholesterol, but other than that, life is on its way to being back to normal again... sorta. :)
As a post-flood house update, work on our living room (the room hardest hit) is finished!! It actually looks better than before with new carpet, fresh paint on the walls, new washer/dryer, and overall is more organized. Some work is still left to do - namely, in the shed outside and in the dining room upstairs, plus we'll need a new heater by winter - but the biggest project is done! :)
Here is a picture of the room before renovation:

We have been so blessed with the help, prayers, and support of so many people throughout everything - from the flood damage to our most recent scare. So, THANK YOU to all of you!
I think that's it for life updates.... The next couple of posts will have more to do with the wedding, I promise! :)
Love you all!
C & A
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