Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in blogging... I've been pretty sick the past few days with some sort of intestinal infection caused by food (that I got on campus, of course). I'm actually meeting with a gastrointestinal specialist today and will have to have an endoscopy done later this week, so please keep me in your prayers! I finally started feeling better today, though, so now I just need to start eating like normal again so I can regain my strength.
In LIGHTER news, Collin and I already got our engagement photos back!! We took them last Saturday, and the weather was absolutely perfect: sunny, warm, and not a cloud in the sky - it was a little bright, but we really can't complain! We also had a great time with our photographer, Matt Andrews, and we are VERY happy with our photos. He is the best! We wore three different outfits (I would recommend only two... by the third outfit we were tired of changing and had wasted time doing so), and we had our photos taken at three different sites (again, I would recommend only two unless they are all close by): Centennial Park, outside the courthouse downtown, and at the Nashville Zoo! Centennial Park turned out to be a lot prettier (and a lot less cliche) than I expected... The courthouse photos - especially the ones at the fountain - ended up being some of my favorites. The zoo photos were fun with the tall grass and the unusual shots, but I feel like we look kinda tired and sunburnt in most of them, haha. Overall, though, we are ecstatic about the way the photos turned out, and deciding on our favorites is really hard!!
Here is the link to the photo website if you want to check them out and/or order some prints: http://www.pictage.com/client/registration.do?event=818476
You'll have to register first, but you are not required to purchase anything.
In other wedding news, Collin and I got a lot of other things accomplished last weekend...
- We started our registry at Bed Bath and Beyond (yay!), but it is liable to change, so I wouldn't recommend buying anything just yet! We still need to check out Target's selection. I'm really happy with what we chose so far, though, and I am in LOVE with the china :) It was definitely the Tiffany blue accent plate that got me... But I love the rest of the collection, too. Very elegant yet modern and sophisticated... at least I think so! Check it out!
- We looked at wedding bands for the first time, which was lots of fun :) We went to Shane and Genesis. Neither of us were overly impressed with Shane, and I'm not sure what Collin thought of Genesis, but I was VERY impressed with them. Their diamonds are beautiful, and though they are more expensive than Shane, I think the quality is much better. And they're still cheaper than Tiffany, haha. But the funny thing is, I am pretty sure Collin's band will be more expensive than mine... He wants some bling ;)
- Still figuring out invitations... The budget is turning out to be very difficult for these. But Save the Dates should be out before long!
Stay posted for more updates!! Graduation is just around the corner :)
C & A
Update: After meeting with the specialist, I actually need a flexible sigmoidoscopy rather than an endoscopy... but I don't have to do it until after graduation! Thank goodness. We set the appointment for May 19th.
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